Friday, February 08, 2008

Friday, February 8th 2008

CMN Show Script- presented unedited
(PICS)Senior Snowtubing
Good Morning Central!
I'm Joanne and I'm Danielle.
Today is Friday, February 8th.
And Welcome to the Central Morning News.
Registration for all AP classes ends today. Please see Ms. Warner Tonyan or your AP teacher as soon as possibe!
Governor Tim Pawlenty has proclaimed this week School Counceling week. Please thank your councelors for all their work.
Yesturdays Famous African American Quote was by Malcolm X. The winner for yesterdays quote was Najwa Duncan in room 326.You can come collect your prize in room 101 during advisory. (IS) Todays African American Quote is "I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." If you know who said that quote please turn your answer into the box in the office.
Todays Black History Month Advisory trivia question is: "Who is the sculptor of the Buffallo Solider monument and where is it located?" Please provide your answeres to Coach Howell in room 556. The Advisory with the most correct answers will win free breakfast compliments of CMEP.
(Cam 1/Mic 1)
Yesterday 223 seniors spent the day at Eko Baken snow tubing. And here's what the day looked like.
Auditions for the Spring play will be next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school. The play is "A Night Out" by Harold Pinter. You can sign up outside the office.
The "College Goal Sunday" financial aid workshop is this Sunday, at 1 PM in Central's auditorium. Financial experts will be on hand to give students and parents line-by-line assistance with financial aid applications. Students and parents can get detailed help and answers about applying for financial aid. There will be a drawing for a $500 scholarship. For more information, see your counselor.
The Mock Trial Team is taking their yearbook picture today after school in Room 406. Everyone on the team must attend for the picture. Also, there will be no meeting afterwards; just the picture.
Today is the last day for badminton egg roll sales.
Paintball Club will meet today at 2:15 in Room 514.
Central's Asian Culture Club meets next Monday right after school in Mr. Wetjen's room 402. Yearbook picture will be taken.
(PICS) Yesterday the Chinese Club Auction was held in the auditorium. Over 100 students came to bid about $500 on their fellow students for a dinner date. The auction was a huge success.
Measurement for Caps and Gowns is taking place all this week in Senior Advisories.
Anime Club's video game tournament in the black box is today . If you think you're a video game hot shot show up to play Halo 3, Dance Dance Revolution, Need for Speed, Soul Calibur 3, and Super Smash Brothers Melee and more. Winners can recieve spectacular prizes. 2 bucks to show your skills. The action starts at 3:00.
The French Club is hosting a Mardi Gras party this Friday. Here to tell us more is Ahnah Tawnjes.
(g/gs)Mardi Gras
Thanks Ahnah.
Both girl's and boy's basketball teams face the Humbolt Hawks tonight at 7:00. The boys are at Humbolt, the girls are home.
All boys interested in playing tennis this year, there will be a informational meeting today at 2:15 in room 275.
Central gymnasts need to turn in their leotards this week and see Coach Spicer for information on the team banquet.
The Badminton preseason meeting is next Tuesday after school.
Table Tennis meets today after school. A year book picture will be taken.
And that's all the news for today, Central. Have a great day! And stay tuned for Mrs Treichel's advisory of the week and more senior snowtubing pictures.
(PIC)Mrs Treichel's advisory


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